We have a lovely baby nanny position in Horsham for our wonderful client. The role is sole charge of a 6 month old baby for 5 hours on a Wednesday and Thursday and one other day, either a Monday or Friday.

As long as the hours are done between 9am and 5pm, the family are flexible when the nanny is there. The position will be long term, and will include changing nappies, feeding, weaning, playing taking the baby out to groups and activities and keeping to a sleep routine.

This is a fantastic role for a caring and professional baby nanny to provide support.

Hours: 5 hours on a Wednesday and Thursday and one other day, Monday or Friday (15 hours per week in total)

Salary: £16gph

Location: Horsham, Surrey

Start: end of July

If you are interested in this position please contact Holly at Hummingbird Homestaff on 07852 944 773.

Applications for Part time Baby Nanny in Horsham

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Horsham, Surrey
Start date 15th July, 2024
Remuneration £16-17gph