Lovely family in Weybridge are looking for a professional nanny/housekeeper for their children and home in central Weybridge.

Hours are Monday and Tuesday 

7.00am til 7.30pm

Wednesday 7.00am til 8.30am then 3.30pm til 7.30pm.

Total of 27 hours per week.

£10 - £12 net per hour

The girls are both at school in Guildford so needs to be a competent driver with own car. 

Looking for a nanny that is confident but gentle and kind. During the gap in the day housekeeping required. They have a cleaner but laundry and cooking essential. Including keeping kitchen, family area clear and clean. 

They have cats so animal lover. 


Immediate start

No allergies 




For more information please call Kerry at Hummingbird on 07966495438

Applications for Part time experienced nanny housekeeper needed over 2.5 day Monday to Wednesday - driver essential

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Weybridge
Start date 9th March, 2020
Remuneration £10-12.00 nphr