After school Nanny needed for our lovely client in Hackney, East London.

The family need someone on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each week to collect their 5 year old boy from school at 3.30pm, take him home, play with him, read, do fun activities, give him dinner, until Mum arrives home from work at 6.30pm.

The role will start in September, and the family are looking for someone kind, gentle and engaging.

Start: SEPTEMBER 2024
Salary: £16-18gph
Location: Hackney, East London
Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays 3.30-6.30pm (9 hours per week in total.)

If you are interested in this position please contact Holly at Hummingbird Homestaff on 07852 944 773.

Applications for After school Nanny for 5 year old in Hackney

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Hackney
Start date 10th June, 2024
Remuneration £16-18gph