Young professional family require a part time housekeeper in Addlestone, Surrey

The role will consist of laundry, ironing, cleaning, making beds and loading and unloading the dishwasher

The hours will be 4 hours a day, 3 days a week, the family are totally flexible on what days and times you choose. There is a 9 month baby boy, so previous experience with infants is a bonus, although this is not necessary

Salary is £15.00 gross per hour

The successful candidate must have a current DBS, good references and be a non smoker

Please contact Hummingbird Homestaff for further details

Applications for Part time Housekeeper for young professional couple

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Addlestone
Start date 1st September, 2020
Remuneration £15