Lovely New role in Hersham with a large family needing support for their 4 year old.

The household consists of 4 children aged 8,6,4,2 years so it is a busy and buzzy household with lots to do.

The role is only for one of the 4 children supporting with play and creating a safe and happy environment for him. Three of the children will be at school so just care for the 4 year old needed. The nanny would be trained to work with an Autistic child and would gain experience and be trained with professionals so would suit a nanny looking to work with children with special needs who has not yet gained certifications but is looking to further their career. When he is with his key worker for a few hours each morning then help with loading dishwasher and general tidying.

  • Hours are lovely: Monday to Friday mornings only 7.30am till 12pm
  • £14.00 per hour
  • Non smoker
  • DBS
  • Good references
  • Immediate start

Please call Kerry at Hummingbird on 07966495438 for more information

Applications for Lovely new role for a junior nanny in Hersham with a family needing support for their 4 year old, mornings only

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Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location Herhsam
Start date 21st April, 2019
Remuneration £14.00 per hour