Professional Housekeeper needed for family in West Malling Kent.

Family live in a 5 bedroom home and need someone who can support them with laundry, ironing, deep cleaning, organising, tidying, sorting cupboards and drawers, emptying bins, cleaning windows, loading the dishwasher, hoovering, dusting, putting washing away, running errands. They need someone for 5 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so 15 hours per week in total.

Start: ASAP

Location: West Malling, Kent

Hours: 5 hours per day (flexible) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Salary: £16-17gph

If you are interested in this position please contact Holly at Hummingbird Homestaff on 07852 944 773. 

Applications for Housekeeper in West Malling, Kent

* = Required field
Optionally attach things like a CV or a role specification. Attachment must be less than 2MB and either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Location West Malling, Kent
Start date 8th July, 2024
Remuneration £16-17gph