Home care or care home - the true cost of care vs home support!
HOME CARE OR CARE HOME? For many families, the worries and concerns of having elderly relatives receiving support in their own homes don’t just stem from physical abilities and disabilities, or concerns regarding medication or nursing care, for the majority of people the concerning factors are simply the social isolation and loneliness they face due to the busy work and home lives we have ourselves these days.
It is a very sad and unfortunate fact that for many elderly clients, the lack of ability to just be able to get out of the house and do their weekly shopping, or meet up with friends, means that until a family member has the time to visit, they have little or no chance of adult company and conversation, and unfortunately due to the logistics and locality of their family members, the length of time between these visits can become extremely prolonged.
This is quite often the time when families decide to take the hard and sometimes heart-breaking decision to begin the process of moving their loved ones into a Care Home.
For some elderly people this can be the best decision to be able to provide them with the most support and care, especially if they need assistance and help with medical care from a qualified nurse, or if it is believed by all parties involved that better, safer, warmer and cleaner living conditions are required, but for a lot of families, this decision is made through feeling that they feel they have no other options available to them, when the personal circumstances of their loved ones dictate that the simplest of assistance with basic living support is all that is needed in order for them to retain their independence in their own home.
Home Care or Care Home?
Home Care and Support for elderly clients wishing to remain at home provides numerous advantages whilst combating and negating the many disadvantages of choosing a Care Home, with the most obvious being the financial obligations.
- More often than not these days, our elderly are being forced into selling their own homes, in order to pay for their ongoing care. This can be an extremely emotional and traumatic time for some clients, as well as their families, as the memories held over the years spent in their homes have a huge sentimental pull. Families will always remember births, marriages and even deaths and other joyful and sombre occasions being held at home, and the idea of having to leave and sell the property for the final time, can create such emotional distress to the elderly that they can feel that this is a burden too heavy to bear and their mental health can be considerably affected.
- The fees charged by Care Homes can be and usually are very costly, particularly if your loved one has to fund their own care. If this is not an option and they are relying on local authority funding, they will need to be assessed before offer of funding for a placement is agreed. This also brings more stress and tension for both parties.
- The average costs of residential non-nursing care homes per region are as follows according to Which magazine: England £621 p/week. N.Ireland £519 p/week. Scotland £674 p/week. Wales £574 p/week.
- Finding the perfect Care Home for loved ones can also be an extremely stressful process as, depending on their circumstances and requirements, there may be a limited choice of homes with a vacancy with the locality of their immediate family.
- The next concerns and problems to arise will then occur if they are placed into completely unfamiliar surroundings. This very frequently entailsmoving to a completely new area, away from all family, neighbours and old friends. The loneliness and isolation of this can be extreme for some elderly clients. They may experience a genuine feeling of rejection form the family, especially if visitations from family members are unfortunately few and far between for any reason.
- There could also be some significant emotional effect on the families as quite often they can develop a feeling of guilt that they are no longer able to provide the home support for their loved one themselves, even if they are aware of the practicalities.
- They could also feel a loss of independence, andalthough they may be encouraged to be as independent as possible, the reality is that even something as simple as choosing to eat at their preferred times, or walking to the local shop when they want to, will always be at the best time to suit the staff at the home.
- If it is possible for the elderly to remain in their own home to receive the required support and care, they would still be in control of their own lifestyle and routines for as long as possible.
- Along with the loss of independence, the lack of privacy with carers being constantly round and walking in and out of their room when needed, can also be difficult to adjust to, especially when you take in to consideration the significantly smaller living space provided and that subsequently they will have to leave most of their furniture and personal possessions behind.
- Although Care Homes are expected to achieve a minimum standard of care in order to register, but the quality of care may vary from home to home.
To discuss how Hummingbird Home Support can help please give Vicky a call on 07805 897124.